Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, we’ve been making changes to our services to make it as easy as possible for you to get the locally grown fruits & vegetables and local groceries your family needs.
The changes included a significant expansion of our 8-year-old delivery service and the launch of a new online ordering system for people looking for curbside pickup at our on-farm market. Our curbside system became so popular, we added a local delivery option for those orders.
With two delivery options, it created some confusion. People would sometimes not know which system they were apart of, and our team would be confused about which service a customer was referring to.
To make it easier, we’re renaming our services to better align with what’s really happening.
Farm Delivery Service becomes From Our Farm Subscription Box
When we began delivering to homes eight years ago, subscription boxes really weren’t a thing. But, when we started looking at our service, we realized that’s exactly what we’ve been operating since 2012; we just never used that name. To better explain our service using terms people are familiar with now, we’re changing the title to the From Our Farm Subscription Box. Absolutely nothing else is changing. There will still be no upfront charges, there will always be no commitments, and you will be able to cancel anytime. The only changes will be to names and titles on our website and what we will be calling it when you call in or send us an email.
In-Market Pickup becomes Market Online
The expansion of our In-Market Pickup service has been really remarkable to see. We literally created the ordering system in about two hours the night the pandemic restrictions were put in place back in March. We named it the first thing that came to our mind and worked over the summer to perfect it. With winter approaching and our subscription box program wrapping up, we’re expanding our pickup and delivery options. It doesn’t make much sense to call something “Pickup” if you could get it delivered. We’ll now be calling it Market Online. It’s all of the goodies in our on-farm market available for order online. Curbside pickup will still be an option, but we’ll also be identifying pickup locations across Windsor-Essex to make it easier for people outside of the Kingsville area. We also know not everyone can quickly get out of their homes, so we’re launching a local delivery option for people living in Kingsville, Leamington, Essex, Wheatley and Harrow.
We hope with these changes and service expansions, we’ll continue serving our customers with as little confusion as possible. Our goal has always been to make it as easy as possible to eat as locally as possible. We feel these changes will help us do that.